Our catalog of individually themed on-site workshops is designed to target specific developmental challenges. Facilitated as short form sessions by our diverse team of expert facilitators, consultants and coaches, we are proud of our stellar reputation for delivering real world positive, practical and quantifiable growth to Public Service, Law Enforcement, EMS, Government, Education, and Private Sector Clients.


Each catalog title includes a brief course summary and information request link. If you are interested in booking or customizing multiple courses please use the ‘Program Builder’ form in the following section and our team will contact you. Lets begin a dialogue about bridging relationships and building leadership.
If you require a more comprehensive development plan, our four-week-long, modular PSLI series offers the ultimate flexibility and impact. If you have questions about choosing a program, please include your queries and any relevant information on the form below. Alternatively, our team is here to assist you at 800.749.7677


Business Etiquette


Whether you work as a janitor or a CEO there are certain manners you must have to get along with your co-workers, your boss and your customers. This class will teach participants basic manners in the workplace and they will learn the three secrets, which if used consistently, will almost guarantee a promotion.

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Coaching For Excellence


Coaching, when done properly, can elevate employee performance to new levels. Often, coaching programs are ineffective & fail. This is largely due to being conducted incorrectly. Participants will learn the proper method of coaching, utilizing a seven-step model designed to bring consistency & produce superior results.

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Conflict Resolution


Conflicts at work are inevitable. This class will teach participants to resolve conflict in a way that is productive rather than destructive and to create a win-win situation.

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Communication for Leaders


Leadership effectiveness is only as good as the leaders’ communication skills. Great leaders recognize and value individual personalities, purposes and potentials and communicate their recognition so effectively that others feel valued as unique and special contributors. The best leaders have learned how to inspire, motivate, value and grow others through the way they communicate. This training will assist current and aspiring leaders in bridging the gap between a leader’s current level of effectiveness and where he or she would like it to be.

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Communication Skills: Written, Verbal, E-Mail


In today’s world, verbal and written communication skills are more important than ever. Understanding how to communicate in an e-mail is a must! No matter where you work or what you do it is important that you learn to communicate with your peers, your boss and your customers in a manner that facilitates a clear interaction without misunderstanding. Also, the way in which you communicate sends a powerful message about who you are and how you think about yourself and others. At the end of this class participants will be able to identify what image their verbal and written communication skills convey, the importance of “tone” and “mood” in an e-mail and how to improve in all areas of communication.

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Difficult Conversations


Based on the bestselling book, Difficult Conversations, this training will provide a step-by-step guide to having the most difficult conversations with less stress and more success. This training is especially effective for significantly improving conflict in the workplace and enhancing corporate culture.

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Don't Bring Doughnuts: Bring J.U.I.C.E


Bringing JUICE (Joy, Unity, Integrity, Commitment and Empathy) to Your WorkplaceTM is our award-winning cornerstone program based on the premise that each employee, not just the leader, has a significant role in improving morale and productivity in their workplace. People spend one-third of their lives at work and unhappy people are unhappy employees who are not productive and demoralize those around them. This class emphasizes individual accountability at all levels. At the end of these this course, each participant will have an implementation plan for bringing JUICE into their work lives.

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Domestic Violence


Between 600,000 and 6 million women and between 100,000 and 6 million men are victims of domestic violence each year. Whether you are a victim of domestic violence, a perpetrator, or a witness, domestic violence has a huge impact on your life. Learn more about how you can cope and get help. Although domestic violence usually occurs within the home, it carries over into the workplace in many ways. This workshop helps employers and employees identify domestic violence and develop policies to protect everyone in the workplace.

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Diversity and Inclusion

Ninety percent of the ways in which individuals are different are things that cannot be seen. Our course model is probably the most honest, least politically correct model of its kind. We will examine the individual prejudices we all carry, how and why stereotypes were created and how to interact with people as individuals, instead of members of a certain group. In today’s world, diversity in the workplace is no longer a “nice-to-have,” but a must-have. To achieve sustainable diversity, and to align it with business goals, diversity needs to be not merely an end in itself, but a business strategy and a means to a better bottom line.

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Financial Literacy for Adults


Whether you are saving for your children’s education, or paying off your own student loans, we have information that can help you achieve a secure financial future. Are you sabotaging yourself financially? Fighting with your mate about money? Spend some time learning to be more financially savvy.

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From Super Worker to Supervisor


This curriculum is a 42-hour, seven-module basic supervisory training series designed to help new supervisors as well as those who have had the title for a while to understand what the transition really means and to provide them with a progressive development path. The series begins with a module that helps participants clarify their understanding of the problems and possibilities that accompany the move into management and supervision. It continues through a progression of informative and skill-building modules that are interjected with organization-specific expectations and goals. It concludes with an introduction to the concepts and skills associated with Team Building & Workgroup Development.

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Government Plain Writing


Many people are uncomfortable with their skills as a writer and therefore rely on complex language and sentence structure to mask their insecurity. This class fulfills the government’s plain language training mandate while building individual confidence in participants’ writing skills.

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Human Resource Training for Managers


This is a basic course for new managers and a refresher course for experienced ones. It covers topics such as: How do you build an employee performance appraisal? What are the laws governing EEO and other grievances? How can you enhance your relationship with your union representative? What is a PIP and when is one needed?

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Leadership Development


What is a leader? What is the difference between a leader and a manager? Leadership is one of those things that is hard to define but you know it when you see it, and you definitely know when it’s missing. Training will include: Self Awareness, Self-Management, Power and Influence, Communication, Developing Others, and Teamwork and the Leader as a Servant. At the end of the session each participant will have developed an individualized plan to achieve his or her full leadership potential.

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Leadership Focused Training: Flexibility & Resiliency


Flexibility and resilience are essential traits employers are looking for in staff. Flexible employees can walk into a changing work arena and adapt to the changes. Government employees face a constantly and rapidly changing workplace environment. How adaptable you are in the workplace reflects key personality traits, as well as key competencies for success. This class will teach you the necessary intellectual, creative and behavioral skills to handle what each work day brings.

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Leadership Focused Training: Creativity & Innovation


Creativity and innovation are imperative attributes for all government employees to possess to be successful and to accomplish agency goals and mission. Employees with the ability to think creatively are able to be innovative. The results of thinking creatively and being innovative are the ability to develop ideas and plans and implement solutions. This class will train participants in the methods and strategies for thinking “whole brain.” The result will be the integration of good program and project skill thinking with the knowledge of how to think creatively and innovatively.

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Leadership Focused Training: Internal Customer Service


Internal customer service is the service provided to colleagues and other departments within an organization, as well as anyone else an employee interacts with to get their job done. How you or any other member of the agency responds to such requests is reflective of how your customers’ issues are handled. If you want to provide world-class customer service to the public, you will need to start with providing great internal customer service to your employees. The purpose of this class is to teach employees the benefits of outstanding internal customer service and provide practical tips that can immediately be implemented to improve internal customer service and the tools needed to measure internal customer satisfaction.

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Managing Up


Participants will learn the art of managing up, a method of career development that’s based on consciously working for the mutual benefit of yourself and your boss. It doesn’t mean avoiding work, rebelling, kissing up, or trying to turn the tables on a higher-up, but instead understanding your boss’s position and requirementsand making yourself known as a stellar employee by exceeding his or her expectations and needs.

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Measuring Organizational Effectiveness


All organizations want to be effective. The question is, are you? Without applying formal assessments, backed with data, you are simply guessing. Participants will learn skills relative to developing accurate measurement criteria in order to determine the actual effectiveness of the organization, rather than what the perception is. This is a key to setting future goals within the organization in order to keep it moving forward to the next level.

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Media Training


When should something be “off the record”? How do you respond to a reporter’s question when you know the answer might cause public relations problems? Is it ever OK to not answer a reporter’s question? How do you handle the media when a crisis occurs? Do you have policies and plans for dealing with the media? This class, through case studies and role playing, will provide insight into the complex world of the media, where every misspoken word has the potential of being a “gotcha”!

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The goal of mentor training is to prepare mentors and their mentees for the roles that they will play in a mentoring partnership, and to manage these relationships’ expectations, roles and boundaries. In addition, we will address any questions or concerns the partners may have so that they are fully prepared to execute their roles viagra feminino comprar.

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Performance Feedback & Assesment


Performance feedback is a vital tool in elevating employee productivity. When asked about performance appraisals, a large majority of employees state they are worthless. However, feedback, both oral and written, is invaluable in employee development. The key is utilizing them in the correct manner in an effort to develop and motivate personnel, not simply to complete an annual requirement. Participants will learn the value of effective performance feedback fueled by methods for developing goals and plans to create new heights of achievement. This knowledge can make any performance appraisal process come alive and become meaningful.

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Presentation Skills


Glossophobia is the fear of public speaking. Some surveys and research results show that many people would rather die than speak in front of a live audience. However, whether we work alone or with large numbers of people, eventually we will need to speak in public to get certain tasks accomplished. And if we want to be leaders or achieve anything meaningful in our lives, we will often need to speak to groups, large and small, to be successful. This class will teach participants to transition from glossophobics to confident, effective presenters.

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Problem Solving & Decision Making


Much of what people do is solve problems and make decisions. Often, they are “under the gun,” stressed and very short for time. Consequently, when they encounter a new problem or decision they must make, they react with a decision that seemed to work before. It’s easy with this approach to get stuck in a circle of solving the same problem over and over again. Therefore, it’s often useful to get used to an organized approach to problem solving and decision making. During this class students will identify how they currently make decisions and how to use a more rational approach to decision making.

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Respect Yourself


Respect is something that is earned, not demanded. Having respect for others is difficult if you have no respect for yourself. Too many people expect to be respected by others when they don’t act respectfully themselves. This class will teach participants what respect is, how to show respect and how to be respected.

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Situational Leadership Styles


This course provides managers with a systematic and introspective view of their individual behavioral and leadership styles. It allows them to see how their individual styles can impact the development and/or productivity of the group for whom they have the responsibility to manage. Participants will learn skills so that they can better adapt their styles and management strategies to a wide range of situations.

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Standards of Conduct and Ethics


In contrast to most classes on this subject, this training will be presented in an interesting interactive participant-driven manner and ends with each participant developing their personal moral and ethical code.

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Strategic Planning


Strategic planning for an organization cannot be overemphasized. Without realistic, solid and measurable plans, the organization cannot move forward. The first step toward this type of planning is establishing a mission and vision for what you want the organization to do and where you want it to go. Often, organizations establish mission statements, which only serve as nice words to display on a wall. If they are not deeply rooted into the very essence of how the organization functions, they become meaningless. Participants will learn a unique perspective on mission and vision statements.

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Stress Management


Everyone has stress in their lives. Whether it stems from positive events, such as getting a job or buying a car, or from a challenging situation, such as death or a child’s addiction, it is important to have the right tools to manage it. Stress from any source can place a strain on the body and contributes to disease. Stress becomes a problem when you reach a point where you feel that you are unable to cope so you use anger, alcohol or drugs to ease the anxiety. This class will teach participants the warning signs of stress overload and safe ways to lessen its impact.

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Suicide Prevention


This session will address the significant problem of suicide by examining associated risk and protective factors, and discussing how to build suicide-prevention measures into employee assistance programs. This course will also provide post-suicide intervention programs to assist employees in dealing with the aftermath of a colleague’s suicide. Finally, participants will become aware of the impact and cost of suicide to businesses, the responsibility of the business community to its employees, and available resources for prevention in this arena.

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Team Leadership Training


This course discusses the basic components of teamwork with an emphasis on team leadership. Participants will learn leadership skills, how team leadership differs from traditional leadership and how to effectively and timely accomplish team goals.

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Time Management that Makes Sense


This course is behaviorally based and focuses on personal time habits that impact our personal effectiveness. It clarifies delegation skills and techniques. It also covers effective meeting management and provides tools and techniques that increase meeting efficiency, effectiveness and task completion.

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Transitioning from Supervisors to Managers


What is a manager? What is the difference between being a manager versus a supervisor? Are you ready to manage? Management requires strategic planning, goal setting, budget savvy, leadership and organizational development skills. This class teaches all of these, as well as how to manage up and identifying and effectively managing customer relations.

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Violence in the Workplace


The purpose of this training is to provide employees with the knowledge to recognize potentially violent workplace situations, techniques to diffuse escalating situations and security procedures to ensure their safety during violent situations.

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What to Wear


Does dressing for work mean deviating from your personal style? Your goal should be to project a professional, competent image, regardless of your employment level or career path. Find out which clothing will give you a polished, professional look and which fashions can be career killers. Participants will learn how to maintain their own style while looking professional.

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Use the form below to start a dialogue with PCA about your developmental needs and organizational goals. Please include any relevant information, queries or pain points in the message area so we can best serve your enquiry. Based on your selected topics of interest, one of our team will contact you shortly.

Prefer speaking to us directly? Call: 800.749.7677


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“One of the most informative and enjoyable training sessions I have attended in a long time. I wish we would have found you all before we spent time and money with other organizations.”

Dr. Diane McDaniel

Indiana Wesleyan University

“We have had more than 100 people go through BoB Ross’s leadership programs. He has helped prepare our officers for real leadership. They learn how to communicate more effectively, to be open minded and work well with others who might approach things differently. He is down to earth and truly makes you want to learn and improve.” Captain Dave Hecklinski

South Bend Indiana P.D


Client feedback helps us understand what works for you and your workplace culture. Thank you for helping us bridge relationships and build leadership.

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